3 Things You Should Know Before You Buy Boston Terrier Crossbreeds

There are multiple reasons why people buy Boston Terrier crossbreeds, after all, who wouldn't especially that they have a lot of perks?

But first, let's talk about what crossbreeds mean! How is it any different from mixed breeds and pure breeds?

Pure breeds are of course the standard and have a set of specific traits prominent only to them, may it be from their markings, health, and temperament.

Cross breeds on the other hand, are a result of two pure breed parents. Most of the time it inherits both their temperaments but this also differs in some cases.

Mixed breeds on the other hand are even trickier because they are a result of one parent breed having mixed traits already.

When it comes to Boston Terrier breeds, having a crossbreed is mostly favorable to some because of genetic diversity.

Genetic diversity in dogs is found to be a healthy result because it can eliminate the existing medical conditions by one breed. Let's face it, all dogs have their own set of probable health problems.

Boston Terrier health issues for example are quite diverse. It ranges from breathing difficulties brought by their Brachycephalic skulls, eye problems like cataracts and corneal ulcers, to plain allergies, and gassy problems! (Yup, Boston Terriers are naturally gassy!)

With a Boston Terrier crossbreed however, there's a huge chance that some of the critical health issues they can potentially have will not be passed on.

Alongside this, some breeders believe that the best traits of each breed will be mixed in one complete package. (Though of course, this isn't always true!)

If you're still deciding whether a Boston Terrier crossbreed is what's right for you, you better read these facts first!

Here are 3 things you should know before you buy a Boston Terrier crossbreed

Know the parent breeds first

Once you finally get a crossbreed the automatic assumption is that they will be a perfect blend of its parents. However, this isn't always the case!

When it comes to temperament, you have to do a quick background check first on their parents. Don't assume right away that your Boston Terrier crossbreed will have their iconic friendly temperament to other people.

Remember, while purebreeds are expected to have a certain temperament, their upbringing also differs! The parent breed might be the unconventional one without your knowledge. They can be the silent type even if Boston Terriers are very "talkative" by nature!

Whatever the case may be, your Boston Terrier crossbeed will definitely surprise you. It's either a hit or miss when it comes to your expectations!

Alongside this, it's crucial that you can identify the medical conditions of its parent breeds so you can be well equipped when they also inherit these health issues.

Never assume that possible medical conditions will just be gone! Crossbreeds of course are naturally healthier but you haven't considered how "compatible" the parent breeds are yet when it comes to eliminating certain health issues!

For example, you're planning to get a Bugg aka a Boston Terrier and Pug mix because they just look so cute and pudgy right? Well here's news for you, mixing these two breeds can also be dangerous because both are brachycephalic dogs.

While having gene diversity might be good to eliminate their health issues, mixing two breeds that have the same problems can worsen their state!

Of course, Buggs are not always at risk with respiratory problems, you shouldn't discredit this as well.

The bottom line is, you really wouldn't know what your Boston Terrier crossbreed is just by assuming their traits from the conventional standards!

Don't get a crossbreed if you're looking for a particular trait

Boston Terriers by nature are extremely friendly and quite expressive. From their oh-so-adorable imploring eyes, clinginess (they love to be cuddle buddies with you!), and their "noises" (they'll communicate to you in a series of huffs, snores, and grunts!), it's no surprise that a lot of people actually want them.

After all, Boston Terriers are known to be the 21st most popular breedsout of 197 other cute and adorable pooches!

But let's be real here, you can't just expect that your Boston Terrier crossbreed will inherit all the GOOD traits of a Boston Terrier. You also have to take into account their upbringing as well as the other parent breed's temperament.

It's far better if you buy a pure breed Boston Terrier instead if this is the case!

You have to stay committed for their welfare

Honestly, this little bit here doesn't need to be said because it should be common knowledge already! But taking care of a crossbreed is actually more work in a sense because you don't know what to expect from them!

Again, you won't know for sure their temperament, health issues, and the likes. So you better be available and fully committed to giving them a comfortable lifestyle.

If you're the laidback type or the busy bee that only think you could just feed your dog, then you won't really be the perfect fit for Boston Terrier crossbreeds.

The problem is most people assume that having a dog in their homes will be great to brighten up their lives, and while this is mostly true, they kind of forget the "parenting" part!

Remember, in the hopes of having a crossbreed, you have to be prepared for the responsibilities because training your Boston Terrier is no joke! (Actually, training any dog isn't that easy as much as people like to tell you online!)

Boston Terrier crossbreeds are quite wonderful actually!

It doesn't mean that we are pursuading you not to welcome one in your family, you just have to be careful and be fully knowledgeable if it's definitely the right decision for your current lifestyle.

Want to learn more about Boston terrier mixed breeds? Check out these other articles as well!

The Best Terrier Breeds for Sporty People

7 Long-Haired Boston Terrier Mixed Breeds You'll Love

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